You will learn with our online training what you will find in no other acupuncture school.
And it is 100% practical.
for Healthcare Professionals
Acu-AnMo: a simple, logical, needle-free acupuncture method, with immediate results
2 recent testimonials (online training) :
► First of all, thank you for the richness of what you bring to our practice with the training that you present to us.
Having already followed training in acupuncture a few years ago, I am amazed by the effectiveness of this approach to the discipline.
You are bringing me what will give me back the desire to practice my profession.
PA, Physiotherapist
► Thanks to your training I achieve what I have been looking for for a very long time:
the development and enhancement of my activity.
I am confident, and this is thanks to several miracles every day.
Seeing someone who has been in pain for 6 years leave the office smiling without pain is motivating...
I don't do anything else anymore.
A big thank you."
FH, Physiotherapist
· Our online training course: 13 video links on a period of 6 months (2 video links per month)
with PDF supports, you can watch each video as many times as you want during 1 month,
and 3 Q/A sessions by Zoom or Google Meet.
You will also be able to ask questions by email.
Online training : program
1. Theoretical bases of Acu-AnMo
2. Barriers of the upper limb: generalities; pain in the upper limb: shoulder, elbow, wrist.
3. Barriers of the lower limb & the lumbar region: hip, knee, ankle pain. Low back pain.
4. Head & Neck Barriers
5. Voids: multiple pain
6. Yin stagnation: pain worsening pain at rest and/or at night
7. Excess Yang: pain aggravated on movement
8. Blood stasis: long lasting pain or following a violent trauma
9. Meridians & Torrents, narrow linear pain
10. Territories & WuShu: cutaneous-muscular territories & control points; wide linear pain
11. Bi: pain with climatic factors due to dietary errors
12. Ben Shen: pain with a psychological factor
13. Procedure, synthesis: as an example, low back pain
5 mn TRAILER of the first online training course (out of 13)
Full video: 1 hour
4 mn TRAILER of the 2nd online training course (out of 13)
Full video: 45 mn
A return to the roots of Acupuncture:
The basic principle of acupuncture, which is too often overlooked, is that all pain is due to a disruption in the flow of energy in the body. Now there are several types of possible energetic disturbances, about half a dozen, plus their various possible combinations.
Each disruption at each localisation corresponds to a different specific acupuncture point
The often spectacular effectiveness of the Acu-AnMo method stems from the fact that, unlike usual acupuncture, we always proceed in a logical, simple way, according to a rigorous protocol, following this basic principle:
* The patient’s symptoms are first ‘translated’, according to the modalities of his pain, into the diagnosis of disturbance of the energy flow. A diagnosis that is therefore individualized, by comparing the symptoms in a very simple, logical, and reproducible way, to a frame of reference based, among other things, on the Yin/Yang duality.
* It is only once this energy diagnosis has been made that we will stimulate with a stylus (which advantageously replaces the needles) a single point, the one that corresponds to this energy diagnosis.
* And we can do this because, unlike the usual acupuncture schools, we know the energetic effect of each point we use, which is therefore chosen for its specific action, and never according to a ready-made list that depends only on the location of the pain, a disappointing one-size fits-all "recipe", identical for everyone.
The online Acupuncture training is accessible to all health professionals: Physiotherapist, Physiotherapist, Osteopath, Doctor, Naturopath, Nurse, Shiatsu, TCM, etc.
You must already practice as a therapist in your field, have a patient base, to be able to apply what we will teach you.
(If you have a special situation, contact us to talk about it.)
You will learn how to diagnose the specific energy disturbance that is the cause of your patient's pain, and how to choose the single point that will treat it.
Two things that make all the difference with the Acupuncture usually taught.
After a first video explaining the essential theoretical bases, we will expose the diagnosis and the treatment of energy Barriers, the most frequent causes of joint pain (which seem to be totally forgotten in today's China and for the schools that are inspired by it), then we will see the other possible causes and treatments of pain of the musculoskeletal system: joint pain and neuralgia (sciatica or other).
A PDF support, including the locations of the points we use, is attached each time.
The Acu-AnMo training lasts 6 months and consists of 13 videos.
* 13 video links, one every 15th and 30th of each month. Each video remains viewable for 1 month, much longer than necessary for its integration and the essential practice. During this month you will be able to watch it as many times as you want.
* You will receive the link for a new video every 15 days, giving you time to integrate the data and put it into practice.
* Each video allows you to establish a new energy diagnosis, and to choose the points to treat it, as well as the location of these points.
* At least 3 Q&A sessions via Zoom or Meet, and the permanent possibility, with no time limit, to ask your questions by email to Dr. Jan Polak.
* 13 PDF aids
(Special offer until March 15: normal price 2.470 €
If you wish, after having read all the pages of our website, you can request a telephone interview with Dr Jan Polak.
Please click on the green icon.
"Thank you for this rigorous teaching and attention to detail."
F.B., physiotherapist
"What is certain is that I loved your method!"
P.L., Acupuncturist
"I wanted to share with you my enthusiasm for practicing your method.
The effects are indeed spectacular."
F.H., Physiotherapist (after only the 5th video)
"Clear and educational training, a good follow-up with the possibility of asking questions by email, and regular Zoom meetings to refine the details.
An extraordinary technique that opens up new horizons and allows us to relieve our patients in a simple and often immediate way, even on complex, old or recalcitrant pathologies."
J.R, Acupuncturist
"Simply thank you for transforming my professional life.
The results obtained are extraordinary."
P.L., Physiotherapist & Osteopath
No prior knowledge of Chinese medicine is necessary: everything is explained, and even if it is new to you, you will be surprised by both the simplicity of the method and its effectiveness.
And if you already practice Acupuncture, you can be much more effective in treating pain in the musculoskeletal system: just stop using the same recipes for everyone, and personalize and individualize the treatments, as we will show you.
Einstein explained that quantum physics shows that at the atomic level, energy and matter are indistinguishable. And our body is only made of atoms.
I therefore propose to treat the pain of the musculoskeletal system of your patients in a more effective way, by acting on their energetic cause, thanks to acupuncture without needles, according to the Acu-AnMo method, a personalized approach using a precise but simple reasoning.
My research has led to a considerable simplification of Acupuncture, which goes hand in hand with an equally spectacular increase in its effectiveness in its field of predilection: pain of the musculoskeletal system:
joint pain, recent or ancient, post-traumatic or not, with or without osteoarthritis, single or multiple, inflammatory or not,
This has been possible by systematically situating oneself in the Traditional view of Acupuncture (which the contemporary Chinese approach, on which most schools are still based, seems to have lost for the most part, for historical reasons).
I teach external stimulation of the point with a round-tipped stylus, as mentioned in ancient texts, so without ever pricking, because it is even more effective – and allows any therapist to practice Acupuncture.
The Acu-AnMo method owes its remarkable, and often spectacular, effectiveness to an individualized approach, far from the usual recipes, personalized for each patient thanks to precise and rigorous, but simple reasoning.
1. Theoretical bases of Acu-AnMo
2. Barriers: pain in the upper limb: shoulder, elbow, wrist.
3. Barriers of the lower limb: hip, knee, ankle pain.
4. Head & Neck Barriers
5. Voids: multiple pains
6. Yin stagnation: worsening pain at rest and/or at night
7. Excess Yang, pain aggravated by movement
8. Blood stasis, ancient pain or following a violent trauma
9. Meridians & Torrents, narrow linear pain
10. Territories & WuShu: cutaneous-muscular territories & control points. Wide linear pain
11. Bi: pain due to climatic or dietary factors
12. Ben Shen: pain with a psychological factor
13. Procedure, synthesis: as an example, low back pain
Once you have received the 13 courses, you can, if you wish, send us 10 original and detailed clinical cases, which will allow us to correct you if necessary. If these cases are validated, you will receive your Diploma.
We simply ask you to commit, in the Training Agreement that we will send you, to keep what you have learned to yourself, and therefore also not to give Chinese medicine trainings, because we are delivering to you the fruit of more than 45 years of practice and research.